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    Task Management (3) or "Small Dreams of a thug ." : Pingtai …

    페이지 정보

    작성자 ulswgr
    댓글 0건 조회 3회 작성일 24-10-22 18:58


    This is a summary of the contents up to the second session.

    Our organization is the "Five Daughters Society" under the "Fourteen Tigers", a sub-organization of the "Lao Wang League", which has a territory on the outskirts of Hunghom Village in Hong Kong.

    It's not a very lucrative territory, being far from the Hunghom station, but with ”the AA big‐Boss” at the top, the "Plum Blossom Boss" and the "Borderline Moon Boss" are in the thick of it, and there are many other Boss running the organization.

    There are many thugs who are in this organization because they are in love with Anego.

    I sell mostly "Grass" , and the rest is dispatch work to saunas and bully money from the locals. Lately, the "Fourteen Tigers" have been asking for more money from me, and I've been told by Anego to earn more.

    The main place to sell the leaves is ”Dragon's Eye”, which is similar in size to ours. Since Anego cares about the local community, we refrain from buying and selling medicine locally.

    In order to make sales, I decided to sell "Angel Dust" through task management.

    Task Management (3) or "Small Dreams of a thug .”

    The "Angel Dust" is a business that competes with the sales of the "Axehead Society," a martial arts organization that is in conflict with the "Dragon's Eye," so the movements of the "Axehead Society's" old Boss Axzo are of concern.

    According to my colleague's information, the product will arrive at the end of next month, based on the trend of the the "Axehead Society" sales.

    By the end of this month, I will talk to the Thai mafia (police) or Thai Japanese yakuza to get the product as soon as possible. This time, we'll focus on speed rather than price. This time we will focus on speed rather than price, so that we can sell the product before "Axehead Society".

    If possible, I'd like to get it from the Thai mafia. Japanese yakuza are expensive, you never know what they're thinking, and they're quick to pull out their knives.

    Sam's brother and Kyung's brother went to Thailand yesterday to get the "Angel Dust" . It's a dangerous job where guns are essential. They said the quantity would be reasonable, so they would need about 10 kilograms. It's a big job. I guess they don't trust me since I've just joined. This time, my job was to gather information on the "Axehead Society”. Do you want to go to the "Axeheaders' Club" and ask them about the drug? "The gambling den is located in the harbor, so we'll take a short walk there.

    "Hey! How's it going? Who's playing baccarat better?”

    "He lost and is out cold. I can give a little to the lady of the Five Girls Club, how about you?”

    "Well, let's have a little fun.”

    "All right, bunker or player?”

    "We'll see.”


    The bunker is too strong, and there's no one to play against.

    Let's give it a try.

    "Hey, nee-chan. Give the player this much."

    "OK, I was just having trouble with all the bunkers.

    "Here it comes!”

    "Player wins. By the way, can I buy some medicine with my winnings?”

    "No, I can't right now. My next visit is at the end of next month, so you'll have to settle for the cheap stuff until then.”

    "No, I know.”

    Sure enough, it hadn't arrived yet. I'll have to call Sam's brother and Anego.

    (Vol. 3 / No. 1672)




    売り バイ は主に葉っぱで、後はサウナへの派遣業と、地元のからの、みかじめ料ぐらいです。 最近、「十四虎」からの上納金の要求が増えたようで、あねごから、もっと稼げと言われました。

    主な葉っぱの販売先は、うちと同じような規模の、「龍の眼」です。 あねごが地元を大事にするので、地元では薬の売買は控えています。



    「天使の粉」は「龍の眼」と対立する「武闘派組織 斧頭会」の売りと競合する商売なので、「斧頭会」の老板 斧三の動向が気になります。


    今月中に、タイのマフィア(ポリス)か、タイのやくざに話を通しておき、ブツを早く入手する。 今回は値段より早さを重視する。 「斧頭会」より先にブツを売るためだ。


    サムの兄貴とキョンの兄弟は昨日からタイへ行き、「天使の粉」を入手する。 銃が欠かせない危ない仕事だ。 量もそれなりと言っていたから、10㎏は必要だろう、末端価格で3億か? でかい仕事だ。 自分はまだ入ったばっかりなので、信用が無いのだろう。 「斧頭会」の情報取集が今回の仕事だ。 これから、「斧頭会」賭場に顔を出して、軽く薬のことを聞いてみるか? 「斧頭会」賭場は港にあるので、足を延ばす。










    「OK! バンカーばっかりで、困っていたところよ。」


    「プレーヤーの勝ちだ。 ところで、この勝ちで、薬は買えるかい?」



    案の定、入荷はまだしていない。 サムの兄貴とあねごに連絡しなければ。

    ( 第3回/第1672回 )


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